

Doesn’t the name say it all? Funderland is a theme park in Sacramento (much like the also-popular Goodtimeplace and Happinessvillage). A couple of lesser known parks that never took off: Sadville and Boringtown.

My mother forced us to go because gave her a discount and she couldn’t resist. The park is full of very slow, small and pre-school-age appropriate rides. Let me just put it this way: if the most harmless un-scariest ride at Six Flags is a double expresso, then the scariest ride at Funderland is a coffee-flavored Tic-Tac. Regardless, it was “fun” and we did appreciate hangin’ out there in the 95 degree heat for several hours.

Thanks, Mom.

Here is Sophia riding the rapids on Funderland’s version of a log ride. Watch for the thrilling conclusion.


Becca August 3, 2010 at 12:03 am

okay, this ride will NOT be at my zoo ^.^ glad you are having fun wherever you are.

Melanie August 4, 2010 at 5:53 pm

Ha ha ha, isn’t this ride the funniest thing ever? I had to watch each and every person go on it and the wait was extremely long. Each time that log clunked down at the end, I laughed like crazy. Who engineered this thing?

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