A Holiday in Hollidaysburg, PA

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After Chicago, we decided to mosey on over to Pennsylvania to see our sweet nieces and nephew, and their very welcoming mom (our sister-in-law). They live in the charming town of Hollidaysburg in southwest PA, and we had a wonderful time just hangin’ with the kids in an RV park situated behind a car wash off the main drag. (Odd, right?)

philskidseating We ordered some pizza and hung out while Melissa had a meeting. Matthew is incredibly mature and good-natured; Katherine is sharp as a tack and super cool; and sweet Lily is…well, so sweet and lives up to her namesake, Abuela!

philipskidsandours All the cousins together. What a great time we had!


Do you see the family resemblance between Sophia and Matthew? I do!

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