Balancing Act

The Safety Hitch is arriving tomorrow. The RV is arriving on Friday. We leave for a week-long excursion to Panama on Saturday. We move out “officially” the week after we get back. There are tons of big and little details to attend to, like new bank accounts (we can’t use our local or internet banks for cash machines across the country), trading in big appliances (goodbye KitchenAid mixer of my dreams… I will be kneading dough by hand now!) for little ones (hello, KitchenAid handmixer with cool attachments!), consolidating give-away stuff to the garage, and so on.

Thankfully, my husband and I make a decent team. He takes on things he’s good at, and I let him, and vice-versa. We try not to over-step each other’s territory, except when it’s completely obvious that the other is making a huge blunder and must be stopped. 😉 Just kidding. Sort of. Really, I’m proud of how we get things done. No complaints here. At least not at the moment I’m typing this.

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